
Where ideas blossom into online success for established businesses in pharmaceutical, health and finance

MacBook Pro
MacBook Pro

Your Business has evolved. But your marketing is stuck in 2015.

  • The website that a family friend designed needs an overhaul

  • Your social media is stalled and you're not even sure which strategy to follow

  • The last time you ran ads, it was mismanaged and didn't produce results

and attract the right leads and customers for your pharmacy, clinic or service-based business

Create digital marketing content you can be proud of



Rely on a digital marketing agency backed by 10 years' experience in the pharmaceutical industry. No need to bring us up to speed.

Clinics & Medi-Spas

We understand the ins and outs of the medical aesthetics and medi-spa space, with our agency founders' expertise going back to the early 2000's.

Insurance & Financial

Mortgage Brokers

Our insurance, financial advisory, and wealth management knowledge makes Stem-Flo a great fit for your digital marketing needs.

We also have a keen understanding of real estate and mortgage brokerage. So if you need to bring your digital marketing up to date, let's chat.

Our Approach
Our Story

Marketing from zero to hero

We don't just know marketing. We know your industry. Stem-Flo especially loves working with local Vancouver businesses serving customers in pharmaceutical, health & wellness, financial and insurance.
We don't believe in cookie-cutter approaches. That's why we take the time to do a proper inventory to understand your business and your target customer. Then we put our experienced team to work for you.

A blueprint for your unique fingerprint

We use a dynamic and adaptive system that evolves in sync with your needs and objectives. We encompass a diverse range of marketing channels, including SEO, PPC, social media, email, and targeted Ads, all customized to align with your unique needs. Ultimately, our multi-stream marketing system aims for consistent growth and helps you to achieve and surpass your marketing and growth objectives over time.

A multi-stream marketing System that grows with you

Knowing Your Needs

Tailored Fit Solutions

Data Testing

Digital Success

At Stem-Flo, we forge enduring collaborations with small business owners who seek tangible outcomes from their customer acquisition. Our commitment lies in navigating the currents of media and marketing to help our partners achieve lasting success

Business Info


Phone #: 604-760-4333

Location: Vancouver, BC

About Us

Social Media Management

PPC Marketing

Website Design

Brand Strategy

Search Engine Optimisation

Website Copywriting